Beat Schmid

Beat Schmid

Managing Director
Member of the Executive Board

Where can you find Beat in his free time?

in the sea while diving

Wrong. Beat is a keen mountain biker and is therefore most likely to be found in the mountains or in the forests of the Jura region around Aarau.

in the mountains on a mountain bike

Correct. Beat is a keen mountain biker and is therefore most likely to be found in the mountains or in the forests of the Jura region around Aarau.

lifting weights in the fitness center

Wrong. Beat is a keen mountain biker and is therefore most likely to be found in the mountains or in the forests of the Jura region around Aarau.

Why does Beat have a beard?

out of laziness

No. In 2008, while snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains with temperatures in the double digits below zero, Beat copied this heat reservoir on his face from the Canadians.

because his razor is defective

No, it's not a technical problem. In 2008, while snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains with sub-zero temperatures in the double digits, Beat copied this heat accumulator on his face from the Canadians.

for practical reasons

That's right. In 2008, while snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains with temperatures in the double digits below zero, Beat copied this heat reservoir on his face from the Canadians.

What can you lure Beat with?

with wine and meat

Absolutely! Beat likes to enjoy a glass of wine with a piece of meat - preferably in good company with conversations about everything possible and impossible.

with champagne and salmon rolls

Beat prefers something else: he enjoys a glass of wine with a piece of meat, preferably in good company and talking about all sorts of things.

with vodka and caviar

Not quite. Beat likes to enjoy a glass of wine with a piece of meat, preferably in good company with conversations about everything possible and impossible.