Kim Lindner

Kim Lindner

Head of Production
Member of the Executive Board

What sport does Kim do in her free time?


Kim can be found once a week in the gym on the school bars.

Play tennis

Kim can be found once a week in the gym on the school bars.

Apparatus gymnastics

That's right. Kim can be found once a week in the gym on the school bars.

What training is Kim particularly proud of?

Master Stage Studio

No, it's something else. After a tough course of study with nice fellow students and various study groups, Kim graduated as a "graduate engineer for event and production technology".

Graduate engineer for event and production technology

That's right! After a tough course of study with nice fellow students and various study groups, Kim successfully completed this training.

Master lighting

After a tough course of study with nice fellow students and various study groups, Kim successfully completed her degree in "Graduate Engineer for Event and Production Technology".

What is Kim's favorite color?


No, Kim likes blue. Among other things, this color stands for level-headedness, objectivity and neutrality. Definitely also character traits of Kim.


No, Kim likes blue. Among other things, this color stands for level-headedness, objectivity and neutrality. Definitely also character traits of Kim.


That's right. The color blue stands for prudence, objectivity and neutrality, among other things. Definitely also character traits of Kim.