Michael Perucchi

Michael Perucchi

Warehouse & Logistics

What is Michu's most important tool?


Wrong! You can use it to get things back on track, but Michael's most important tool is of course his Swisstool.

Cut-off wheel

Not quite. By the time it's used, it's usually too late. Michael's most important tool is, of course, his Swisstool.


Exactly! It even makes trucks roadworthy again.

What is Michu's favorite pastime?


Not quite! He actually likes doing it, but somehow his wife always has to water it. It would have been cycling.


That's right! That's how it is! He can really switch off with his bike on the single trail or on the pump track.


Wrong! He does have the pass, but somehow you miss too much at that speed. Cycling is more Michu's thing.

Where has Michu been working for the last few years?

As a toolmaker

Wrong, he did learn that, but it was too monotonous for him. Circus is actually right. As a workshop manager and metalworker, he designed almost everything there.

As a carpenter

Almost! He also likes to do that now and again, but he prefers working with metal even more. In the circus, for example, where he worked as a workshop manager and metalworker.

In the circus

Indeed! As workshop manager and metalworker, he designed almost everything.