Reto Näf

Reto Näf

Warehouse & Logistics

What is Reto's favorite pastime?


No, Reto is a passionate fisherman, no catfish is too big for him, no pike too heavy. We wish him all the best!


Exactly. No catfish is too big for Reto, no pike too heavy. We wish him all the best!

Collect stamps

No, Reto is a passionate fisherman, no catfish is too big for him, no pike too heavy. We wish him all the best!

How many barbecues does Reto have at home?


No, Reto has the right grill for every type of preparation - 7 in total. From smokers to beefers, everything is represented. All we can say is "Tsch Tsch".


There are even more. Reto has the right grill for every type of preparation - 7 in total. From smokers to beefers, everything is represented. All we can say is "Tsch Tsch".


Hard to believe, but true. Reto has the right grill for every type of preparation. From smokers to beefers, everything is represented. All we can say is "Tsch Tsch".

How many days a year does Reto wear his baseball cap?

about 10

Then you won't see him so much. It's at least 250 days a year, Reto is actually only available with a cap.

over 250

Yes, Reto is actually only available with a cap. He's almost unrecognizable in the team photo.

under 100

There are at least 250 days a year, Reto is actually only available with a cap.