Sara Lafratta

Sara Lafratta

Administration & Finances

What other language does Sara speak besides German?


Not quite. Sara speaks Greek as well as German.


Not quite. Sara speaks Greek as well as German.


That's right! Sara speaks Greek as well as German.

What is Sara's favorite thing to cook and eat?

Thai curry

Absolutely! For Sara, a homemade Thai curry is clearly the top culinary priority.


No, Sara likes things to be a little more elaborate. A delicious Thai curry is her top culinary priority.

Spaghetti carbonara

No, a delicious Thai curry is her top culinary priority.

Which electronic device could Sara easily do without?


Wrong. However, Sara could very well imagine life without a television.


Exactly! Sara could very well imagine life without a television.

Cell phone

Wrong. However, Sara could very well imagine life without a television.