Hybrid presentation with livestream
Together with the agency Wöhrle Pirola, we realized the Renault Swiss Convention 2022 in hybrid form. Due to the changing epidemiological situation, it quickly became clear to Renault that cameras would be used at this year's convention.
Fortunately, the latest developments allowed the event to be held in hybrid form, so that a limited number of people could be present on site. The latest representatives of Renault's electric cars were prominently placed on the stage, which was designed in the customer's corporate design.
Virtualhub event platform
The customized Virtualhub event platform was more than just a landing page for the livestream. A differentiated participant management system with various user and authorization groups was integrated. Packaged in a coherent design and with a pinch of interaction, the Renault Suisse Convention 2022 became a highlight for all participants - both on site and at home.